Talent / Visual Artists / Nikhil Kapoor
Nikhil Kapoor

Nikhil Kapoor - Buy Artwork

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Artist Painter

Nikhil is a Borderline Autistic individual. He is good in Visual Arts( Painting) and Plays Tabla. Enjoys using Computers & Surfing the Web. He is able to take verbal & written instructions. He has a little problem with Comprehension so needs a hand holding initially to understand a process &... See More

New Delhi

Short Bio

Nikhil is a Borderline Autistic individual. He is good in Visual Arts( Painting) and Plays Tabla. Enjoys using Computers & Surfing the Web. He is able to take verbal & written instructions. He has a little problem with Comprehension so needs a hand holding initially to understand a process & once he has understood the work process can efficiently do the job regularly. Enjoys cookery shows so shows an inclination of being a great help in Kitchen's & restaurants. He is very meticulous in doing the work given to him. He would do it dedicatedly & efficiently.


Artist Painter


Autism Spectrum Disorder

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