Tulips and Dragonflies
The flowers of Holland created a lasting memory on the artist. In this painting, the artist rolled out a bright background blending hues of blue, white and yellow to create the brilliant sky depicting the bright and sunny day. The mesmerizing crimson tulips with careful brush strokes and added details of nature make this artwork stand out of the rest.
We can help save 1.4 million premature babies from succumbing to death. These fragile new lives, need immediate financial and medical support to survive. Artists with Disabilities of whom some are premature babies themselves have come in solidarity with Milap to solve this massive problem. We are proud of Karishma Kannan , an Artist with Downs syndrome who has signed up to list her painting & share a part of the proceeds because everyone can be great at Giving. So When you buy any painting from here, Half the proceeds from this artwork goes to the artist and the other half goes toward saving a premature baby. Help us give premature babies, A second shot at Living for the very first time.
Visit the campaign page on Milap here: https://milaap.org/fundraisers/support-preemie-babies?.mlp_referrer_id=484858&utm_medium=whatsapp_share&utm_source=anchor_campaign_review_pending_new to know more.
24" × 18"
Acrylic on Canvas
Creation Year