How to Register with Atypical Advantage?
Published on: 11 Dec, 2020
Atypical Advantage is India’s largest platform generating livelihoods for people with disabilities (PwDs). As a PwD, you can sell paintings, perform at corporate events and find job opportunities. This blog will help you understand the process of registering with Atypical Advantage as a talent.
Creating an account

Create an account by clicking on sign up on the upper right corner
Fill in your name, email ID, contact number and set a password for your account. Make sure to keep a strong password, and one which you can easily remember.

2. Create A Profile
This page will allow you to add personal details, documents and profile picture. Select your talent, disability type, location preference, work experience, etc to let us know you better.

3. Upload your Documents
Upload your disability certificate, medical certificate, etc to confirm your disability. Add your resume and other relevant documents that support your talent and skills.

4. Final Step

NOTE: Upload your pictures
After being onboard with basic details, in this section, you can upload photographs of your pretty self so that people can be familiarized with you. You can add as many photos as you like. Make sure the pictures are in appropriate dimensions (1500x2500 pixels). The image dimension has to be 4:3.
You’re all set! The process is really easy and straightforward. We hope you sign up with Atypical Advantage soon. For any further enquiry or doubts, you can reach out to us at
About Us: Atypical Advantage is India’s largest platform to generate livelihoods for Persons with Disabilities. Hire talents with disabilities, buy and commission art,find jobs for the disabled and shop for handmade products made by artisans with disabilities