Why IDPD Matters: The Importance of Recognizing Invisible Disabilities

Published on: 21 Nov, 2024

Why IDPD Matters- The Importance of Recognizing Invisible Disabilities.

International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPD)

Every December 3rd, the world marks the International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPD). Established by the United Nations in 1992, the day is meant for promoting the rights and well-being of people with disabilities in all spheres of society. It thereby aims to foster awareness of the plight of disabled persons and link global efforts toward establishing an inclusive society. Each year, the focus of the day is on a specific theme that looks into different aspects of disability inclusion, either in the form of accessibility or the empowerment of the individuals. This international observance will not only bring out in the open the working of disability but also celebrate diversity, encouraging citizens to perceive disability as an inherent and substantial part of human diversity. 

Why Do We Celebrate International Day of Persons with Disabilities?

Raise Disability Issues

IDPD brings disability issues to attention, especially the plight of persons with disabilities. It educates people about the physical and social barriers that must be cleared in making the world accessible.

Celebrate the Achievement of Disabled Persons

This day recognizes the contribution of the disabled persons, shows off their talents, and inspires others to go beyond what was thought to be limiting.

Eradication of Discrimination Against Persons with Disabilities

IDPD aims to end all biases and prejudices toward people with disabilities. In this aspect, the day makes a fight for equality for all and proper respect for everyone in this world.

Enhance Accessibility for People with Disabilities

Accessibility is one of the prerequisites for inclusion. IDPD promotes better infrastructure, technology, and policies that provide greater access to persons with disabilities for full participation in society.

Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities

Celebration requires the empowerment of the lives of people with disabilities through education, employment, and community engagement for the free life that serves their purpose.

Mobilise Support for Persons with Disabilities

IDPD unites the global and local communities for actions and policies that would uphold the rights and dignity of persons with disabilities.

Why Recognizing Invisible Disabilities Matters on IDPD

People with mental health conditions, chronic illness, and neurological disorders, generally not so well seen yet often misunderstood and stigmatised-should receive some recognition on IDPD for a more inclusive society.

Promote Inclusion

Being aware of invisible disabilities thus brings a culture of inclusiveness where people are valued, regardless of the challenges they have on their face or within them.

Creates Equal Opportunity

Understanding the special needs of the individual with an invisible disability allows organisations to provide equal opportunities towards a wide range of inclusion-from education, employment, and community participation.

Remove Judgement

Raising awareness of invisible conditions breaks myths, reduces judgement, and incites compassion.

Increases Communication

The open discussion regarding invisible disabilities has led to good communication and understanding between people and their communities.

Brings Change

Acknowledging and supporting people with invisible disabilities allows for policy, practice, and attitudinal changes that are ultimately beneficial to all. 

How the International Day of Persons with Disabilities Has Made an Impact So Far

Increased Awareness and Understanding

IDPD has amplified the voice for persons with disabilities' rights and issues,  greatly increasing awareness on the global scale.

Fundamentally advocated for Rights and Accessibility

The day supports great strides in accessing public environments and digital technologies to ensure inclusiveness for all globally, in public venues and even in software.

Empowered Individuals with Disabilities

It helped to empower numerous individuals about their identity, sensitise them about their rights, and empowered them to speak for them.

Inspired Innovation and Technological Advancements

Observation gave rise to innovations in assistive technologies that would improve quality of life for persons with disabilities.

Promoting Global Unity and Cooperation

The International Day of Disabled Persons unifies a variety of countries, organisations, and individuals on their collective commitment to create a more inclusive world.

Example: The COVID-19 pandemic brought enormous challenges for persons with disabilities in accessing healthcare and other basic services. IDPD turned out to be a moment when such difficulties highlighted issues leading to universal support and recovery.

How Atypical Advantage Identifies Differently Abled Individuals and Gives a Platform to Them

Atypical Advantage is quite an inspiring organisation dedicated to empowering the abled in ways that create space where talent shines beyond limitations. Options here range from art, music, and professional services.

Through its programs, Atypical Advantage not only promotes the talents and the work of people with disabilities but also exposes them to other organisations that appreciate diversity. In this manner, the organisation has touched many lives since it creates collaboration and inclusiveness.

By doing so, it not only exhibits the potential and contributions of the person with a disability but also brings them closer to the organisations who welcome diversity. Through coordination and inclusion, this organisation has reached out to millions of lives.

Atypical Advantage is India’s largest livelihood platform for Persons with Disabilities(PWD). Whether it is a singer looking for a show, a visual artist looking to sell their paintings, or job seekers with disabilities looking for career opportunities, it bridges the supply & demand side inefficiencies so that Persons with Disabilities can earn a dignified income. We have a large pool of 25,000+ talents with disabilities and have worked with 350+ corporates within a short span of 4 years. We were also featured on Shark Tank Season 2 and were declared the winner of the prestigious the National Startup Award for Social Impact, and the National Award for Best Organization empowering persons with disabilities in 2024, conferred by the Union Government.


Frequently Asked Questions

Why was selected the theme for IDPD 2024?

The theme for IDPD 2024 goes as follows: "Empowering All: Advancing Accessibility and Inclusion." A major focus of the theme intends to build an inclusive world that enables equal opportunities by active participation-at times, imbued with the education-employment-social participation perspective where barriers must be minimised or removed altogether. 

How can I participate in IDPD activities?

By attending the events, advocacy for accessibility, and support to those organisations that work for disability inclusion.

Why do invisible disabilities matter?

Invisible disabilities matter because their acknowledgment creates understanding, removes stigma, and brings services to those individuals with these conditions.

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